Saturday, February 4, 2012

*from the wonderful paris vs new york 

{Yeah I know all of blog-world has already brought to your attention this wonderful site where the great cities of Paris and New York are compared side by side in graphic form...but for me (pour moi) it's actually very useful as we debate our future travels- croissant or sub? Red cup or vin rouge? The Boy goes to Paris sometimes for le travaille (or la? and I totally miss out; however I went to NYC for 2 days when I was 16 which was a million years ago, and the Boy has never been....oh the decisions...! Ps - its snowing so we might not be able to go anywhere soon, yay!}

1 comment:

  1. NYC all the way! We went for 7 days over Xmas and had an amazing time. Came back knackered but well worth it.

    ReplyDelete your hand up? Yes, you over there....